
Believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities, we provide digital marketing tools and consultation to small and medium sized non-profits. Egalitary helps them perform at a level usually reserved for large, well-funded corporations and NPOs.

What We Do

Egalitary’s mission is to empower small and medium-sized charitable organizations to find their audience, amplify their message, and measure the results of their marketing investments. We do this by providing education, tools, resources, and consulting services to strengthen digital marketing fundraising and recruitment efforts.

We are constantly working on new tools and platforms to support our fellow 501(c)(3) organizations. One example is our Five On It campaigns that you can learn more about below.


Five On It

The Five On It program is a simple way to add a little extra something to the community efforts of the food pantries, shelters, and other non-profits we partner with by giving $5 gift cards to the families they serve. These cards make it directly into the hands of those served, so you don’t have to worry how your money is used.

We solicit donations on behalf of our partners through our custom donation platform. We purchase media and manage a marketing campaign to drive traffic, leveraging our network of publishers and end users.

With the donations collected we purchase gift cards from national chains and local businesses. We then distribute these cards to the partner who hands them out directly to the communities they serve.

Active campaigns

Reach Out

Stay involved and learn how you can help provide for underserved families and communities in the future!